Selecting the best web browsers for Ubuntu largely depends on your personal needs, but usually, browsers are used for accessing/browsing websites. In this article, we will look under the hood and pick some of the best ubuntu web browsers of June 2019.
A web browser is a software application for accessing the information on the World Wide Web. Each individual web resource, such as a web page, image, or video, etc.
A web browser is not the same thing as a search engine, though the two are often confused. For a user, a search engine is just a website, such as, that stores searchable data about other websites. But to connect to a website’s server and display its web pages, a user must have a web browser installed on their device.
Best Web Browsers
1. Chromium or Google Chrome

Get more done with the new Chrome. Now more simple, secure, and faster than ever – with Google’s smarts built-in. When you’re on the web, you’re on a mission. Big or small, work or play – Chrome has the smarts and speeds you need to do, create, and explore online.
Chrome has everything you need to make the most of the web, like quick answers in your address bar, one-click translation, and personalized articles for you on your phone. Don’t really know what can go wrong on the web? You don’t have to. Chrome automatically protects you from security issues like phishing and dangerous sites.
Chrome works on any operating system, and on all your devices. Switch between your laptop and phone, customize any way you want and keep doing more. Chromium is a widely used web browser application that you have ever used.
Google chrome is also the best Ubuntu Web Browser that supports both PC and smartphones. It has nice featuring of wonderful bookmarking and synchronization. Google Chrome is a closed source web browser based on open-source Chromium which is also backed by Google Inc.
Both the web browsers come with malware blocking that ultimately ensures personal information security. Moreover, there are lots of plugins in the chrome store which eventually lets you increase the functionality of the browser in the Linux system. Users always choose this one than any other web browser in the market. This is one of the best Ubuntu web browsers available in the Linux world.
2. Firefox

Firefox is another Best Browser For Linux. This is available for some main operating systems such as Linux, Windows, Androids and OS X.
Connect to a whole family of respectful products, plus all the knowledge you need to protect yourself online.
This Linux browser features with tabbed browsing, spelling check, private surfing on the internet, etc. Moreover, it widely supports XML, XHTML, and HTML4 etc.
3. Midori

Midori is widely used as a default browser for many Linux distros, especially for lightweight Linux distributions. Midori Browser
is a lightweight, fast, free & open-source web browser. The key features of it incorporate HTML5, Private browsing, speed dialing, proper management of tabs and sessions as well.
4. Vivaldi

Vivaldi is a new browser with unrivaled customization and control. Fast, secure and flexible – this is a browser made for you.
Vivaldi developers introduced this new browser to the modern world in 2016. The ultimate goal of this Linux web browser is to provide the fastest browsing experience including the contemporary features like quick commands, Nice tab management, etc.
The web developers use HTML5 and node.js in it. Blink layout engine has been used here. It allures you to choose a theme and appear thumbnails for every site you are likely to operate.
5. Opera

This established web browser has been written in C++. It supports Windows, Linux, macOS, and also in Android phones. Opera’s speed and performance is great. Low RAM usage and the new battery saver feature will help you browse faster. Block annoying ads and browse faster on the web. The integrated ad blocker will make sure ads don’t distract you from what matters.
Surf the web with enhanced privacy with a free, unlimited VPN. Opera has its own VPN that requires no subscription, payment, or additional extensions.
It widely includes maximum tabbed cycling, Speed- dial, Unlimited VPN service, and Ad-block as well as opera turbo for faster surfing. You can comfortably install this Ubuntu browser for the convenient use.
6. Yandex Browser

Yandex is the most standout Russian web browser. It offers the latest user interface and speedy browsing experience with Blink engine. Yandex Browser is the best ubuntu web browsers because the UI of the Yandex is great.
This Chromium-based web browser provides extraordinary service about quick page loading even in poor internet connection. This browser is available for Linux, Windows, and iOS.
7. Waterfox

This web browser is based on Firefox that supports Linux, Windows, macOS, and Android. This open-source browser was developed in 2011 following the Mozilla Firefox Code. Waterfox does not collect ANY telemetry, meaning you don’t have to worry about any tracking or usage information about what you do inside YOUR browser.
The only thing that Waterfox sends back is your OS and browser version to check for updates. Waterfox is one of the few fully customizable browsers, allowing you to modify and extend it any way you please. You’ll even find some of your favourite classic XPCOM add-ons ported over such as DownThemAll!, Greasemonkey and the like.
8. SeaMonkey

SeaMonkey has been created mainly by the Mozilla codebase. In technical growth and performance, it excels in its strategy. High speed and compatibility are to be found here with the updated version as it will use the latest Mozilla code.
The SeaMonkey project is a community effort to develop the SeaMonkey Internet Application Suite (see below). Such a software suite was previously made popular by Netscape and Mozilla, and the SeaMonkey project continues to develop and deliver high-quality updates to this concept. Containing an Internet browser, email & newsgroup client with an included web feed reader, HTML editor, IRC chat and web development tools, SeaMonkey is sure to appeal to advanced users, web developers, and corporate users.
You will find the user interface is neat and clean. You can use the features with manageable large icons. Tab management and email component are easy to handle for the users.
9. Pale Moon Browser

Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and customization. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!
Pale Moon offers you a browsing experience in a browser completely built from its own, independently developed source that has been forked off from Firefox/Mozilla code a number of years ago, with carefully selected features and optimizations to improve the browser’s stability and user experience, while offering full customization and a growing collection of extensions and themes to make the browser truly your own.
If you are tired of using your older browsers, Palemoon should be an excellent recommendation for you. This open-source browser mainly focuses on the efficiency and compatibility with various Firefox extensions as well. Again, it offers excellent visual feedback with a robust and manageable configuration.
10. Epiphany

Epiphany is the web browser for the GNOME desktop. Its goal is to be simple and easy to use. Epiphany ties together many GNOME components in order to let you focus on the Web content, instead of the browser application. As part of the GNOME project, Epiphany is Free Software.
Epiphany displays webpages with the same speed and accuracy as other popular browsers, such as Safari or Firefox. In addition, it provides an elegant, responsive and uncomplicated user interface that fits in perfectly with GNOME, and it has been translated to over sixty languages!
GNOME community had developed this simple but powerful Ubuntu browser maintaining the standard assent. This lightweight Linux browser manages the extreme simplicity by displaying excellent designing and faster user interface to the people. This Webkit based official web browser is easy to use and offers a large scale of compelling features.
11. Iridium

Iridium is the best privacy-focused web browser for Linux. This simple Ubuntu web browser is one of the best Linux browsers which is very user-friendly and easy to operate. This Chromium-based browser widely handles complicated sites with speediness.
12. Falkon

Falkon (formerly QupZilla) is a free and open-source web browser. It is built on the Qt WebEngine which is a wrapper for the Chromium browser core.
If you are looking for a browser that feels ease with KDE application, then Falkon should be the right choice for you. It initiated the Journey as a research project in 2010. The functions which are much needed to present in a modern web browser.
This Qt-based browser shows a simple interface to the users. The most attractive feature of it is the user-friendly approach. Also, this best lightweight Linux browser provides bookmark management, speed dial, add blocks, etc.
13. Brave

Mozilla co-founder Brendan Eich made this browser by using JavaScript, C, C++ languages. The primary goal is to concentrate on blocking trackers. Brave is among the best ubuntu web browsers out there.
Users can suitably operate it on Linux, Windows, macOS, and Android. It provides faster website loading and makes you pleased with the ad-less browsing experience.
Hurray!! Congratulations, I hope you have got the Best Ubuntu Web Browsers of June 2019. If you have any questions, suggestions, feedback please don’t hesitate to write them in the comment box below because it will help us to improve or correct our contents. Thanks, Happy FOSS Computing.

Kool Arpan is a tech enthusiastic who loves blogging and writing articles on technology. He loves sharing knowledge to the others by any means and medium.